Marketing Meeting

May 30, 2009 at 1:03 am (work)

My boss refused to let me off end June and I was too weak to defy, so I will be staying to play TOY in the FACTORY till July. I cant bear to let go too, because I am handling so much things now, and I really wanna see everything falling in places. It is an achievement and it will be darn good on my resume. I LOVE my job, my colleagues are awesome. I just have a problem with my manager. No worries, he is too old for blogs.

Anyway, our meeting is always fun. Today we had our marketing meeting, and we are supposed to present ideas. I guess our ideas are too YOUNG that our bosses have no idea what are those. TWITTER… SECOND LIFE… But after explaining to them, i can tell they are damn excited, cso they were like “DO ALL!” lol. But we cant possibly to do that of course. Need PLANNING!!! OH well, really wanna see these ideas at work, and see whats the outcome. Soooo exciting!

Right now, I really need to organise my time between work, my Englist test, tuition, dance, friends and a boyfriend. Busy people should not start dating. YESH. I should dump him soon. HAHAHA. Kidding.

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To Russia and back

May 27, 2009 at 12:48 am (work)


It has been a month! WOOHOO. Okay. Lol.

Sorry all for the late post. I bet no one is reading anyway! hahahah….

Anyway, Russia was splendid. Got into lots of troubles with “relationships” as I have told my best buds… but its all well, and now im with someone i like.

Performance in russia was a hit with the locals. I got lots of positive comments (with negative comments properly sieved out through translations and whats nots) from the russia side. I really hope i can clinch another festival for spirits, so that this wacky bunch can get to travel again! =) we enjoyed each other’s company so much that we are planning our own lil trip, and we are still keeping in contact every now and then. its sweet.

i think i have been very lucky. i always end up in industries which i once dreamt of. though i always ended up doing a lot of sai gang work but i did learn a lot.

first was being part of the magazine industry.

then, being in marketing in the theatre industry.

my next conquest, is to be part of the nac team for singapore arts fest. liasing with people to come here for the fest. cant wait to accomplish this! =)

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My New Job

February 26, 2009 at 9:05 pm (work)

Now I truly understand why my lovely lecturers always pester us to intern for holiday jobs, and not do jobs like waitressing or selling mooncakes =).

Currently I am working as an intern in a theatre company, but my post is marketing coordinator. Its very stressful because there are so many things I am not sure.

For example, once I have to ask ACRA about some stuffs, and I could tell the operator was thinking who is the stupid caller, from the way she answers me. Im sorry, Im pretty dumb, but I did learn some stuffs tho =)

Who says throw away your textbooks when you come into the real world?

Im forced to read some legal stuffs online, and trying to recall what Ms Peter has told me, but I was … BLANK.

I also learned that NETWORKING is very important, I need lots of connections, lobangs and friends to complete a few work. 

Lucky for me, I have a very helpful colleague who assists me. Work has its ups and downs, Im still learning the ropes and trying to excel. Whats more, Im helping to promote something i love. THEATRE IN SINGAPORE! 

Hopefully, I have photos to load in my next post. Waiting for my dear friend to upload photos about Timbre night and of course, tomorrow is the opening night for Sleepless night and a media event on Saturday. Its all fun and exciting. I is cannot wait!!!

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